Thursday, December 30, 2010

Enter 2011 with a Spirit of Giving

By Cindy Clemens, Life Coach

One of my favorite aspects of the holiday season is how it opens up our hearts to others and fosters a spirit of giving. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could carry this forward into the rest of the year. Here are three ways to plug into abundance consciousness and allow generosity to flow through you into 2011.

First, realize how much giving to others allows abundance to flow to you. Whenever I am feeling anxious or worried about money, I look for some way to share what I have with others. I know that if I focus on what I lack and nurture scarcity consciousness, I will manifest more lack. The easiest way I know to change that negative thinking is to take stock of all that I do have and immediately look for a way to give of my time, talent and resources. It never fails – once I do this, I receive much more than I have given. By unstopping the blockage caused by fear about not having enough, I allow Source’s bounty to flow to me.

Second, ask Source where your giving can be most useful. I have come to realize that we are the conduits for Source’s unlimited abundance. I am not aware of Source dropping off sacks of money to those in need. Instead, Source needs us to do the footwork, and if you earnestly ask for guidance, you will be directed how and where you are needed. If we all do this, the assistance will come when we hit a rough patch.

Finally, when you do receive a nudge to give, do it right away without over thinking it. I know when I receive a pitch for a donation or a request for my time, at first I feel very moved to help. But, if I don’t give or commit right away, I tend to talk myself out of it or whittle down what I am willing to share. I allow fear and scarcity to creep in and reduce my gift, and I deprive myself of the full return on my investment.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Holiday Tip from the Chef

Executive Chef Dale Van Sky advises, "Eat smaller amounts of holiday fare to alleviate that overstuffed feeling and 'food hangover' the next day."

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Holiday Tip from the Chef

Executive Chef Dale Van Sky advises, "If you make turkey gravy, use brown rice flour instead of all purpose flour. Brown rice flour is higher in nutritional values than any wheat flour and is gluten free so people with celiac disease can still enjoy a gravy or cream soup."

Friday, December 17, 2010

Tea Tree Eucalyptus Wellness Soak

If Old Man Winter is getting the best of you this season, try adding five drops each of essential oil of peppermint, lavender and eucalyptus to bath water that’s a little warmer than your normal soaks. Add eight drops of thyme if your chest is congested. Soak for as long as you are comfortable. Afterward, drink plenty of hot water with lemon and honey.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Holiday Tip from the Chef

Executive Chef Dale Van Sky advises, "Plan your menu ahead. There are a lot of items that can be prepared the day before the holiday. Have the family assist in preparing the menu."

Friday, December 10, 2010

Tip from Chef Dale

Executive Chef Dale Van Sky always uses a spritz bottle for oils. It allows you to control how much oil you use, and you can better disperse it around the pan.

Chef Dale says that oil can become rancid if you don't use it quickly enough. When you put the oil in the bottle, mark the bottle with a piece of masking tape with today's date on it. Throw away the oil if you haven't used it after three months. Be sure to clean the bottle thoroughly with hot, soapy water and dry completely before adding new oil.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Gift of Feeling...

By Andrea Hanson, CEHP, Energy Therapist

Thinking, rationalizing, measuring, manipulating, figuring....all functions of the left hemisphere and gifts of the rational mind, necessary and certain times. However, when it comes to affairs of the heart and soul, the rational mind pales to intuition and imagination.

We cannot think our way through life choices that involve others. We must feel what is necessary first and then take action based on heart- and soul-felt information. Then the rational mind may implement our decisions.

Weighing the pros and cons of a situation is usually fruitless unless it is put in terms of feelings. Have you ever really made a decision based on a pro and con list? If we weigh our possible choices rationally against outside influences, it becomes a hopeless, unending list of possible scenarios.

If we create a clear image of the desired outcome, we are more in touch with our desired inner reality and more able to move towards it. Feel, feel, feel to deal with challenges and desires. Be clear, detailed, and then let it go and allow it to materialize. Leave the thinking for To Do lists, calculating finances, reading and arranging things.

Emotional Fitness: The ability to feel and express your truth with grace and ease and remain in balance.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Soak the Stress Away

Soothe the mind and rejuvenate the heart with this bath. Plus, it's very healing for tired or overworked muscles.

Place five drops of marjoram and 10 drops of lavender into a warm bath. Lay back and soak for twenty minutes.

(Note: Marjoram may cause drowsiness and also should not be used by pregnant women.)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Protect Your Winter Skin

By Myrna Beardshear
Director of Spa & Wellness

Wind, cold and indoor heating during the winter can leave skin feeling parched, tight, dry and flaky. Allowing skin to become severely dry means it is less effective at providing a barrier against infection and can split and bleed, creating a greater chance for an infection.

Dry, itchy skin can be prevented with a few simple changes to a skin care routine.

Long, hot showers may make you feel warmer, but as soon as you step out of the water, your skin begins to lose moisture because hot water removes natural oil from the skin, leaving it dry and itchy. Bathe or shower in lukewarm (not hot) water and limit showers to five to ten minutes.

Within three minutes of stepping out of the shower or bath apply a cream, ointment or lotion to your damp skin. This helps to trap water in the upper skin layers and decreases dryness and itching. If you don’t want your skin to feel oily or greasy use a cream or lotion with a light texture.

Exfoliate two or three times a week to remove dry, flaky skin from the surface and allow moisturizer to penetrate better.

The most potent moisturizing treatments contain one or more of the following: botanical oils; antioxidant vitamins A,C, and E; seaweed or algae; and oxygen which helps carry nourishing agents to the skin. Vitamin-rich serums are especially effective for dry, mature facial skin. Their small molecular structure helps them penetrate the skin.

If you spend a lot of time outdoors, switch to a thicker more occlusive moisturizer to prove extra protection from wind and cold. Snow can reflect more than 80 percent of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation, so be sure to always wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher and reapply every two hours for maximum benefit. Don’t forget to protect your lips with a lip balm of at least an SPF 15 to prevent chapped lips.

After washing hands always put on hand cream to seal-in moisture.

Remember to drink enough water during the winter months. Like the earth, our bodies are comprised of 70% water. Just as preserving our world’s bodies of water is vital to the planet’s equilibrium, maintaining ideal hydration levels in the human body is one of the simplest ways to balance the entire organism, including the skin.

Here are two home care remedies for extremely dry skin:
Gentle yogurt and aloe cleanser:
2 T fresh plain yogurt
2 T aloe gel

Warm you hands under running water and then gently massage the mixture onto the skin. Remove with a clean washcloth and pat dry.

Follow with this healing mask:
Combine one tablespoon of honey and one teaspoon of wheat germ oil with a beaten egg yolk. Whip the mixture into two tablespoons of powdered milk or one tablespoon of fresh, whole milk. Apply to clean skin and leave on for 20 minutes. Remove gently with tepid water.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Friday, December 3, 2010

Pranayam to Feel Better

By Andrea Hanson, CEHP, Energy Therapist

Pranayam is the use of the breath/lifeforce to balance and heal. Here is a wonderful pranayam to assist you is having the most loving, calm, meaningful Holiday Season.

Become aware of your breath. Take a deep inhale and then exhale and at the "bottom of the breath" rest there in the silence and stillness and begin thinking of all that you love and are grateful for. When your body wishes to inhale again, do so and inhale all that you thought of. Exhale and begin again...resting in the silence and stillness at the "bottom of the breath" and bringing to mind your love and gratitude.

Continue for at least three minutes. Allow your love and gratitude to become alive. Always be comfortable and easy...not ever holding your breath but listening to your body. To end, inhale and hold your breath at the top of the inhale tightening the body to "seal" in the love and gratitude. Exhale and continue with your activities with your new vibration.

Emotional Fitness: The ability to feel and express your truth with grace and ease and remain in balance.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Healthy Detox

By Dr. Brad Crump, Health Services Manager

There are a myriad of plans and programs that health minded individuals seek out in order to “detoxify” the body. Many are based firmly in the science of detoxification and others well, not so much. Ultimately there is one goal in mind and that is to remove foreign and potentially harmful substances from the body.

Any good detoxification program always begins with proper nutrition. There are no exceptions. The following nutritional guidelines should be part of any detoxification program:
  • Whole foods. It is important to eliminate all refined and processed foods. Whole foods contain vital nutrients required for optimal liver function.

  • Eliminate all foods that have the highest inflammatory or allergenic potential. An abbreviated list would include the elimination of all dairy, gluten containing foods such as wheat, rye and barley and, of course, all refined foods (which notoriously contain gluten), soy and soy containing foods, red meat, shellfish and caffeine and alcohol.

  • Lots of water.

Anyone is a candidate for a good nutritionally based detoxification program. Given the state of our environment and our many exposures, a detoxification program should be done at least once per year and for a full month.

Care would be given with those who have health issues, but, in general, there is nothing that would preclude anyone from participation.

The benefits of detoxification are extensive. They usually include weight loss, improved sleep, increased energy and decreased hormonal symptoms seen with menopausal women. Most will see an improvement in cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

Overall, a proper detoxification program will improve overall health, decreased health risks and general sense of well being.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How to Stay Motivated to Reach Your Goal

By Cindy Clemens, Life Coach

Too often people make a mental note to reach a goal, give it a thought or two during the week and are then disappointed when they don't make any real progress.

Three key steps must be taken to stay on track and reach a personal goal. First, the goal must leave the overloaded brain cavity and get written down. Until it is firmly acknowledged and given focus and attention, it will only be a passing thought. Keeping it visible on a sticky note attached to the computer screen or the bathroom mirror is a great way to give it daily care and feeding.

Second, the goal needs to be broken down into manageable, realistic steps. Try to under-promise and over-perform. By asking yourself to accomplish what you can actually get done, you will set yourself up for success and build in positive momentum. Baby steps are fine so long as they actually get done and lead to bigger steps.

Third, don't let a minor setback become a major obstacle. There will be days when things don't go according to the plan. That does not mean you should give yourself permission to take several days off or that you have failed. Those who do reach their goals recognize what went wrong, learn how to avoid the pitfall, forgive themselves, and get back on the path. It is about progress, not perfection!