By Andrea Hanson, CEHP, Energy Therapist
Trained & Certified by Deepak Chopra
The best advise I ever was given about being afraid to do what I desired was "do it anyway." Of course, this applies to the self-doubt kind of fear and not the justified bodily harm type of fear.
Think back on your greatest victories in you life and see if you can remember the moment you were afraid and went ahead anyway. It is just an instant...sometimes called a choice point...once you take that first step challenging the fear, it is left behind.
It is nearly impossible to accomplish this action if you are not supporting yourself with clear and conscious intention. Bring your intentions to the forefront by asking yourSelf why you have the desires you have and what image you have of yourself in your desired future. This conscious self-referral is necessary or many of your unconscious intentions will be fulfilled and you will feel that you are a victim or that life just happens to you. There is no joy in this because you are not in your personal power unless you are clearly aware of your intentions.
Intention is the Divine force of manifestation. Take the time to write down five conscious intentions you have for 2011. Remember the great saying "Be careful of what you ask for." 2011 is the year of rapid and supported fulfillment.
True conscious intention begins and ends with you. Self-referral...having an intimate relationship with yourSelf is your truth. How you relate to others depends on their truth. Relate to what you wish to manifest only.
There is no time or place for codependency, addiction, or negativity in this time of awesome expansive, joyous and supportive energy.
It's all for you.
Meditate, Create, Radiate.
Accept your greatness and give back to Life.
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