By Dale Van Sky
Executive Chef
When I am asked what spices are a “must have” in my pantry, I not only think of the health benefits of these spices but also of versatile flavors.
Cayenne pepper is, of course, my first choice. Not only because of the “health and heat” factors, but because it can be used to enhance sweet flavors - goes great on fruits and chocolate.
Although I prefer fresh herbs and spices, sometimes I need to use dried. I always have on hand garlic powder, basil, oregano, thyme and fennel seed for Cajun, Italian and Mediterranean cuisines.
Buy dried herbs in the smallest containers that you can find and replace them about six months after opening. They lose their flavors quickly once exposed to air.
A good dark chili powder, ground cumin and paprika are essential for southwestern and Mexican fare. I would also recommend ground ginger for Polynesian and Asian cuisines because it helps sooth the stomach and aids in digestion.
With these basic ten spices you can create a wonderful assortment of culinary delights.
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