By Andrea Hanson, CEHP, Energy Therapist
Pranayam is the use of the breath/lifeforce to balance and heal. Here is a wonderful pranayam to assist you is having the most loving, calm, meaningful Holiday Season.
Become aware of your breath. Take a deep inhale and then exhale and at the "bottom of the breath" rest there in the silence and stillness and begin thinking of all that you love and are grateful for. When your body wishes to inhale again, do so and inhale all that you thought of. Exhale and begin again...resting in the silence and stillness at the "bottom of the breath" and bringing to mind your love and gratitude.
Continue for at least three minutes. Allow your love and gratitude to become alive. Always be comfortable and easy...not ever holding your breath but listening to your body. To end, inhale and hold your breath at the top of the inhale tightening the body to "seal" in the love and gratitude. Exhale and continue with your activities with your new vibration.
Emotional Fitness: The ability to feel and express your truth with grace and ease and remain in balance.
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