By Cindy Clemens, Life Coach
One of my favorite aspects of the holiday season is how it opens up our hearts to others and fosters a spirit of giving. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could carry this forward into the rest of the year. Here are three ways to plug into abundance consciousness and allow generosity to flow through you into 2011.
First, realize how much giving to others allows abundance to flow to you. Whenever I am feeling anxious or worried about money, I look for some way to share what I have with others. I know that if I focus on what I lack and nurture scarcity consciousness, I will manifest more lack. The easiest way I know to change that negative thinking is to take stock of all that I do have and immediately look for a way to give of my time, talent and resources. It never fails – once I do this, I receive much more than I have given. By unstopping the blockage caused by fear about not having enough, I allow Source’s bounty to flow to me.
Second, ask Source where your giving can be most useful. I have come to realize that we are the conduits for Source’s unlimited abundance. I am not aware of Source dropping off sacks of money to those in need. Instead, Source needs us to do the footwork, and if you earnestly ask for guidance, you will be directed how and where you are needed. If we all do this, the assistance will come when we hit a rough patch.
Finally, when you do receive a nudge to give, do it right away without over thinking it. I know when I receive a pitch for a donation or a request for my time, at first I feel very moved to help. But, if I don’t give or commit right away, I tend to talk myself out of it or whittle down what I am willing to share. I allow fear and scarcity to creep in and reduce my gift, and I deprive myself of the full return on my investment.