By Life Coach Cindy Clemens
We can get so busy working in our lives that is becomes difficult to set aside some time to work on our lives. The release and renew ritual is a great way to enjoy taking a strategic view of your life and to help you stay on course.
The process is quite simple – once a quarter schedule an hour to go to your favorite spot and jot down a few ideas in a notebook or journal.
Here are a few questions to ask yourself and areas to explore:
Start by identifying and releasing the mistakes along with the fears and worries that have held you back. Record any mistakes you made, admit that you are human and find the lesson to be learned from the situation. As John Kennedy wisely observed, “mistakes are only failures if we fail to learn from them.” Sometimes the best learning opportunities come from mistakes.
As for the fears and worries that cropped up over the past three months, take away their power by affirming your truth – that you are smart, talented and capable. Write down five successes you had over the past three months and remind yourself that you really are good at solving challenges and gathering resources. Spend a few minutes recalling and recording the help and guidance that came your way over the past few months and affirm that it will continue as you move forward.
Speaking of what you want in your life, give some thought to your plan for the next three months and where you will spend your time and energy. Create a list of no more that five items you will put your focus onto over the next quarter. This is your YES List, and it helps to print it out, post it on your computer, bulletin board or bathroom mirror. Making it visible will remind you to use it when making decisions about how to spend your time and energy.
During the next quarter, notice when you feel drawn to review your previous journal entries, record something that has manifested around your YES List or celebrate a victory over the nagging fears and worries. Spring is an especially powerful time of the year for this process since there is so much new energy bursting out of the earth. Take advantage of the natural urge to release the old layer and renew the new path unfolding in your life.
Click to learn more about Cindy and the Release & Renew retreat at Red Mountain Resort & Spa.
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