By Kim Watters
Fitness Manager
It can be a challenge to keep the kids entertained past the first few days of a school break. It seems that once the newness of sleeping in and playing videogames has worn off, parents feel compelled to entertain them or find something new for them to do. Instead of joining them on the couch with a bag of chips, try these fun and fit activities for both you and the kids,
Hula Hoops are Hot, hot, hot again
Moms, the new weighted sports hoops ($12-$20) will shape your waist, hips, thighs and arms in no time, and the kids will have a great time trying to perfect these new moves and tricks with their own hula hoops. There are DVD's, instructional books you can purchase or just search "Hula Hoop exercises" online and get some great tips for free. Make sure you get the right size hoop; generally the hoop should reach between your waist and chest when held in front of your legs and tipped on its side.
Jumping rope like the Joes at the gym
Jumping rope has always been a great cardiovascular workout in the gym; you can plan on burning up to 135 calories in just 10 minutes. Don't get bored, spice it up with some tricks and games from the school yard. Just ask your kids, they'll love to show you how it is done on their playground.
Too cold outside? Glide inside instead.
Gliding disks add intensity and resistance to your workout and are made for use on carpet. But let's face it, they are slippery and fun to play with, too. There are a few different styles of disks that you can choose to buy, or you can just use paper plates with a wax coating. Again, there are many free exercises to choose from on line as well as DVD's and instructional books to purchase. However, just playing tag, racing, dancing or playing "Simon Says" with them will give you an excellent workout and you can't find a much cheaper piece of exercise equipment than a paper plate.
Playing knocks boredom out of your winter break; it promotes your health and maintains your sanity. Get ready, get set, get fit.
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